Raw water from either wells, dugouts, lakes or rivers is fed into a chlorine and retention system. The chlorine will kill bacteria such as coliform and E.coli. The chlorine also will oxidize iron, manganese and will eliminate hydrogen sulphide gas (rotten egg odor). The water is then fed into a multi-media filter which will remove all of the oxidized iron, oxidized manganese, odor and chlorine residual. Water is then fed into the multi-tech separator which is then pressurized up to 150 p.s.i. The reject water is piped into the sewer and the product water is piped into a 150 gallon storage tank which is then repressurized into the household plumbing system. The multi-tech separator is designed and engineered to remove tannin (color), reduce total dissolved solids and hardness up to 90%, reduce nitrates, sodium and sulphates up to 90%. The multi-tech separator can also be designed to remove collodial iron and turbidity.
System Includes:
- Liquid Chlorine Injection Pump
- Solution Container
- 5 Gallons Liquid Chlorine
- 40 Gallon Retention Tank
- Chlorine Test Kit
- 10/54 Fully Automatic Multi-Media Filter
- By-Pass Valve
- Multi-Tech Separator System (up to 1,000 G.P.D., Booster Pump, Auto Flush)
- 150 Gallon Storage Tank
- 1/2 H.P. Repressure Pump
- 7 Gallon Draw Down Pressure Tank
- All Plumbing and Electrical Fittings
- Tannin (color) – Total Dissolved Solids (up to 90%)
- Hardness (up to 90%) – Nitrates, Sodium and Sulphates (up to 90%) – Collodial Iron
- Turbidity
Commercial systems and prices available upon request.